Stream P2P

VNIS - High quality video stream distribution

Enhance users experience & interaction to increase revenue with in-depth streaming analysis

VNIS - High quality video stream distribution
Enterprise issues with streaming technology

Power up your streaming capability with VNIS Platform


VNIS do detailed data analysis of streaming to increase users' viewing experience.

Learn more about Video Analytics

Multi-CDN Management

Deploy multi-CDN to deliver content continuously 24-7 to viewers everywhere.

Learn more about multi-CDN

In-stream Switching

VNIS Platform repeatedly check CDN efficiency from users' side to switch to a better CDN system without interupting streaming service.

Learn more about Smart Load Balancing

Hybrid CDN P2P

VNIS combines Peer-to-peer (P2P) and multi-CDN to reduce the delivery cost by up to 40%.

Learn more about Hybrid CDN P2P

Low Latency Live Streaming

VNIS help business to live streams with low latency, ensuring smooth user experiences.

Reach the Low latency


Connect user experience and conversion

VNIS Video Streaming Analytics enables the shortest path to viewer conversion: in-depth and comprehensive analysis of QoE, including performance data, user behavior, user experience, etc. Understanding the QoE will lessen bounced sessions and boost user conversion.

Lessen startup time to lower the bounce rate

VNIS Video Streaming minimizes startup time by assuredly using the CDN at its best performance all the time, which brings down the number of users quitting watching streams midway.

Reduce interruptions (rebuffering) to maximize watch time

VNIS monitors and constantly switches to the best-performing CDN to deliver videos to each streaming segment in real-time, thereby reducing rebuffering.

Comprehensive QoE analysis dashboard

VNIS provides a comprehensive QoE analysis dashboard, including insights from all angles to ensure the success of streaming services.

Lessen startup time to lower the bounce rate
Reduce interruptions (rebuffering) to maximize watch time
Comprehensive QoE analysis dashboard

Multi-CDN Management

Flexibility, performance & reliability

VNIS helps businesses manage and use multiple CDNs at the same time easily, flexibly and avoid dependence on a single CDN.

VNIS ensures CDN performance and provides a smooth video viewing experience for users.

VNIS ensures reliability, anti-lag when streaming, thereby increasing the maximum conversion rate on the website or application of the business.

Grow business loyal audience

VNIS optimizes the deployment and management of CDN, which helps to increase the quality of business streaming services and prevents errors while distributing videos, thus increasing the number of loyal audiences.

Global scale

OTT businesses can build a global CDN network to optimize the delivery of video streaming in the world in real time.

Custom-make CDN on demand

VNIS allows businesses to flexibly customize CDN according to the needs of the organization and target the desired audience.

Flexibility, performance & reliability

In-stream Switching

Perfect video viewing experience

If a CDN crashes, VNIS will automatically switch to another CDN to ensure users can still watch videos continuously without interruption.

Maximum reliability

VNIS uses data on interactions between video viewers and CDNs, such as download speed, latency, and bitrate, to determine the reliability of each CDN in each segment.

VNIS's algorithm automatically selects the best CDN for each segment to maximize streaming reliability.

Largest throughput

VNIS uses many combined solutions to ensure maximum throughput for streaming services, ensuring fast and efficient streaming speed.

Superior Quality of Experience (QoE)

VNIS uses QoE data from CDNs around the globe to analyze the real-time viewer response on each CDN. Based on this information, VNIS will select the best CDN to ensure optimal streaming quality for viewers.

Maximum reliability
Largest throughput
Superior Quality of Experience (QoE)

Hybrid CDN P2P

Maximize scale & minimize costs

VNIS helps businesses manage traffic spikes and increase video delivery. To do this, VNIS makes use of bandwidth from nearby viewers to deliver video streams faster and reduce transmission costs.

Rapid scaling

VNIS helps businesses expand their video distribution capabilities without investing much in infrastructure. Specifically, VNIS leverages users' current viewing devices as a point of presence (PoP) to reach viewers from everywhere.

Enhance viewer experience

VNIS deploys Mesh Delivery solution - a network of content distribution nodes, helping to bring videos closer to viewers.

Mesh Delivery also has the ability to automatically adjust the network to avoid traffic spikes.

In addition, VNIS also uses ISP/geolocation matching algorithm to share video content within the same ISP or region, minimizing startup time and preventing disruption (rebuffering).

Minimize CDN costs

VNIS utilize users' personal devices in the network to distribute content and reduce CDN costs for businesses. These personal devices act as nodes in VNIS's network, providing bandwidth and storage for distributed video content.

Maximize scale & minimize costs

Low Latency Live Streaming

Experience the difference

With Low Latency - HTTP Live Streaming (LL-HLS) technology of VNIS, the live streaming process is optimized to the lowest latency. This improves the video viewing experience and enhances audience satisfaction.

Easy-to-use infrastructure

VNIS provides simple video infrastructure for developers, including solutions for storing, encoding and distributing online content, helping them focus on their business without worrying about managing video infrastructure.

Stream from any source with RTMP

VNIS provides two streaming protocols, RTMP for live broadcasting and LL-HLS for output stream. Businesses can use mobile apps, broadcast software, or hardware encoders to stream and deliver video content to any device.

Evaluate the effectiveness of videos quickly

VNIS's Stream analytics dashboard allows businesses to have a comprehensive view of the audience's video experience, including number of views, number of unique viewers, and broadcast duration. This feature helps businesses evaluate the effectiveness of videos quickly and detect issues to fix, thereby increasing opportunities for growth.

Experience the difference

Video Quality


VNIS supports optimal video quality to achieve higher score, up to 99%.

Cost Management


VNIS applies Hybrid CDN P2P technology to reduce video streaming costs by up to 40%.



VNIS improves success scores of video playback up to 97%.

Customer Experience


VNIS helps ensure the quality of video experience for customers up to 90%.

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